
  • Industrial Cooperation

    Different Applications of a LEO Satellite

    TLEOSIA provides the gateway to the Taiwanese Space Industry which benefits greatly from the local, world-leading semi and electronic clusters. Many Taiwanese companies have collaborated with major satellite operators and manufacturers. Through supply chain integration, Taiwan is leveraging its manufacturing flexibility to enhance its competitive advantage in the global market.

  • Research & Development

    Different Applications of a LEO Satellite

    Taiwan is a recognized technological center with unparalleled expertise in research, design and manufacturing. TLEOSIA, as an integrator of the local space industry, academia and policy makers, creates a versatile platform for foreign stakeholders to participate in local ecosystems. We invite industrial partners to translate the latest innovations into marketable products or processes.

  • Funding Programs

    Different Applications of a LEO Satellite

    Due to its position, TLEOSIA has an excellent overview on the funds required to launch the space entrepreneurship, as it works closely with a few venture capital organizations. Our international partners can benefit from Taiwan's A+ scheme in combination with EU funds, as well as, through a direct cooperation with local companies for a purpose of technology or product development.

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News and Events

Taiwan LEO Satellite Industry Association gathers the main actors of the local space ecosystem. We are active across the value chain of the local satellite and components’ design, manufacturing, and commercialization. We act as the facilitator of the domestic and international projects, supporting them with the unique expertise and funding. We are designated point of service for the foreign companies and associations willing to engage into cooperation with the Taiwanese space industry members. Our goal is to develop technologies for the future space supply chain.

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