Taiwan Industry Overview
Taiwan Industry Overview

There are four main sectors in the LEO satellite industry in Taiwan: satellite manufacturing, satellite launch, ground equipment, and satellite services. Ground equipment sector accounts for the largest capabilities and production value among the four sectors in Taiwan. Many Taiwanese companies have been working with major satellite operators and manufacturers. Collaborations range from manufacturing components, designing satellite control systems, developing telecommunications technologies and remote sensing payload, to integrating applications of end-user devices and key modules of the next-generation satellite communication system. Our member companies are mainly located in Taiwan’s major science parks and industrial zones, contributing to the national technology development. Through supply chain integration, Taiwan leverages its manufacturing agility and flexibility to enhance its competitive advantages in global market.

Strategic Partnership

TLEOSIA provides the gateway to the Taiwanese Space Industry which benefits greatly from the local, world-leading semi and electronic clusters. We sincerely invite you to establish strategic partnerships with us!

Contact for business alignment.
Active Partnering
  • Information exchange after NDA/MOU signing
  • Business planning (Co-host TW SATCOM international events/ Business matchmaking events)
Consolidated Partnering
  • TLEOSIA refers TW Companies to partners and conduct Due Diligence if needed.
  • TLEOSIA introduces subsidy/incentive channels if needed.
Strategic Partnering
  • Co-work on a specific project
  • Expand project-based collaboration to a larger scale
  • Industry Trends

    Collect and provide domestic and foreign industry trends and news.

  • Due Diligence

    Provide Due Diligence and consulting services.

  • Business Matchmaking

    link global major SATCOM players with local suppliers to promote business cooperation for internationalization and export expansion.

  • Spec. Testing & Field Application

    Assist in formulating products, system standard spec., for field service operation/application, and refer companies to testing labs if required.

  • System Integration Acceleration

    Accelerate vertical and horizontal integration in Taiwan’s LEO industry to enhance the overall technical capabilities.

  • International Conference Planning

    Plan and host LEO industry related events and conferences and invite main stakeholders of satellite industry to participate in.